Development of cooperative and self help groups

Development of cooperative and self help groups

At Rajendra Prasad Welfare Foundation, we are dedicated to fostering economic empowerment and social well-being through the development of cooperative societies and self-help groups (SHGs). These initiatives play a crucial role in uplifting marginalized communities by promoting financial independence, entrepreneurship, and collective growth.
We facilitate the formation of SHGs, providing members with essential training in skill development, financial literacy, and income-generating activities. By encouraging savings, offering access to microfinance, and promoting small business ventures, we empower individuals—especially women and rural communities—to become self-reliant and contribute to their families’ and society’s overall development.
Through collaboration, shared resources, and community-driven efforts, we strive to create a sustainable model of economic self-sufficiency, ensuring long-term social transformation and inclusive development.

No One Has Ever Become Poor
By Giving

Generosity enriches the soul, and the more you give, the more you receive